Why am I not receiving any emails or notices from Mid-Rivers?
My Mid-Rivers/SmartHub
Missing or Outdated Contact Information
If you are not seeing e-mails or other types of messaging from us (push notifications, mobile app alerts, texts) with bill available notices, planned outage notices for your location, or other important alerts, the most common reason is incomplete or inaccurate contact information in SmartHub. As a customer, YOU have control over what contact information you provide us, and the types of notifications you would like to receive at each contact point, through SmartHub and the My Mid-Rivers app for iPhone or Android.
After adding or updating your Contact Methods, make sure to go to “Manage Notifications” to select the types of notifications you would like to receive at each contact point.
E-Mail Settings
After confirming that your SmartHub Login E-Mail and Contact Method(s) are correct, if you are still not receiving our e-mails, they may be going to your Junk folder or caught in your SPAM filter. Look for messages from “
Opt Out
If you have opted out for CPNI, you won’t receive most messaging. To change your CPNI Opt Out settings, please contact us.