2025 Mid-Rivers Scholarships
$126,000 in Scholarships Available from Mid-Rivers Communications
Mid-Rivers Communications is offering $126,000 in scholarship funds for Eastern and Central Montana students for the 2025-2026 School Year. Funded by unclaimed capital credits from patrons, the Mid-Rivers Fund for Education has awarded over $837,000 to area students in the past. In 2025, Mid-Rivers will award 36 competitive and 15 drawing scholarships.
Scholarship categories reflect the mission and values of the Cooperative and its patrons. This year’s scholarship funds will be awarded in three categories:
- Dawson Community College/Miles Community College Scholarship – In support of local educational institutions, up to six (6) $3,500 scholarships will be awarded to students attending Dawson Community College (DCC) or Miles Community College (MCC).
- Mid-Rivers Higher Education Scholarship – Thirty (30) $3,000 scholarships will be awarded to students pursuing or continuing their higher education at any other institution in trade, technical, undergraduate, or graduate programs (including those enrolled in certificate programs, undergraduate associate or bachelor’s degree programs, and graduate and other post-undergraduate students).
- Mid-Rivers Annual Meeting Drawing – Fifteen (15) $1,000 scholarships will be awarded through a drawing of eligible students in attendance at the 2025 Mid-Rivers Annual Meeting. The date and location for the 2025 Annual Meeting are to be determined and will be announced in early 2025.
Mid-Rivers is currently accepting applications for the competitive scholarship categories. Competitive Scholarships will be awarded based on how well each student’s written online application addresses the following priority areas:
- Demonstration of specific plans and an authentic desire to live and work in the Mid-Rivers Service Area in the future, including the pursuit of fields currently in demand in the Mid-Rivers service area or fields that fulfill current or future Cooperative workforce needs.
- Work experience and school and community activities during high school and/or college.
- Unique, inspiring, and innovative Personal Statement.
- Grade point average and ACT/SAT test scores.
- Ability to communicate.
Eligible applicants for all categories include graduating high school seniors entering freshman year at a college, university, trade or technical school; and current college, university, trade and technical school students planning to continue studies in the fall. Applicants must be enrolled for the Fall of 2025 in a certificate program, undergraduate associate or bachelor’s degree program, or a graduate or other post-undergraduate program. Previous scholarship winners (competitive or drawing, and in any year) are ineligible. Applicants must have a parent or guardian with active telephone or Internet service from Mid-Rivers Communications.
Competitive applications must be completed online and are available here. Qualified applicants who are unsuccessful in the competitive scholarships are eligible and encouraged to enter the drawing for scholarships at the Annual Meeting. The date and location of the Annual Meeting will be announced in early 2025.
The completed form(s) and all required attachments must be submitted online by Saturday, February 1, 2025, at 11:59 PM Mountain Time. Only complete applications will be considered.