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How Do I Power Cycle My Internet Equipment?

If you are on an Internet service that requires a modem (another small box in the house connected to the Wi-Fi router), please follow these instructions to power cycle your equipment.

  1. Check to make sure your router and modem are securely plugged into an electrical outlet and the cables are securely fastened to the back of the router and modem.
  2. Turn off your computer, tablet, smartphone or other device.
  3. Find the Router power adapter and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
  4. Find the Modem power adapter and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
  5. Wait about 15 seconds before plugging the modem back into the wall electrical outlet.
  6. Wait for the lights to come on before continuing to the next step.
  7. Plug the router back into the electrical outlet. Wait for the lights to come on.
  8. Finally, turn your computer or other device on and allow it to fully boot up. You should now be able to re-establish your Internet connection.

If you are on a connection without a modem (the only box in the house is the Wi-Fi router), please follow these instructions to power cycle your equipment.

  1. Check to make sure your router is securely plugged into an electrical outlet and the cables are securely fastened to the back of the router.
  2. Turn off your computer, tablet, smartphone or other device.
  3. Find the Router power adapter and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
  4. Wait about 15 seconds before plugging the router back into the wall electrical outlet.
  5. Plug the router back into the electrical outlet. Wait for the lights to come on.
  6. Finally, turn your computer or other device on and allow it to fully boot up. You should now be able to re-establish your Internet connection.

If you continue to have problems with your Internet connection, please call us at 1-800-452-2288.