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How Do I Manage My Spam Filter?

To manage your spam filter settings, including blacklisting/whitelisting, you must either log into e-scout.midrivers.com or block them directly through your eScout digest email you receive directly to your inbox.

To Block a sender that made it to your inbox, you can go into e-scout.midrivers.com and go to the Allowed/Blocked Senders section and add their email address then select “Block” to save the changes OR you can find the email in your e-scout digest email under the Delivered Messages section and select “Block.”

To Allow a sender that got blocked, you can go into e-scout.midrivers.com and go to the Allowed/Blocked Senders section and add their email address then select “Allow” to save the changes OR you can find the email in your e-scout digest email under the Suspected Spam Section and select “Rescue” which will automatically deliver the email to your inbox and add that sender to your safe senders list.

E scoutDigestExample2

Example of e-scout Digest


EmailSupport SpamFilter

Example of e-scout whitelist/blacklist interface