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How Do I Manage My Spam Filter?

  • To Manage your Spam Filter Settings, including Blacklisting/Whitelisting, you must log into webmail.midrivers.com. Attempting to Blacklist/Whitelist senders in 3rd party programs will not work.
  • To Block a sender that made it to your inbox, you can open the email then select the “Block Sender” icon in the Menu Ribbon.
  • To Block a sender that you don’t have a recent email from, go into your Spam Management folder (in the left panel menu of the main webmail home page after you log in), Select “Show More” under the green Enabled button & Select “From: Blacklist.” Here, paste or type the email or domain into the Blacklist, click add, then close the window.
  • To Allow a sender that made it to your Spam Folder, you can open the email then select the “Allow Sender” icon in the Menu Ribbon.
  • To Allow a sender that you don’t have a recent email from, go into your Spam Management folder (in the left panel menu of the mean webmail home page after you log in), Select “Show More” under the green Enabled button & Select “From: Whitelist.” Here, paste or type the email address or domain into the Whitelist, click add, then close the window.