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Candidates Sought for Mid-Rivers Trustee Election

Candidates are being sought for the election of Trustees for Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative, Inc., which will take place on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, in Baker, MT. All interested candidates must be nominated by petition. Petitions forms may be obtained here, or by calling 1-800-452-2288 or sending an e-mail request to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please use only the form covering your District.

Cordless Phones and Power Outages

Most of us who still have landline phone service are probably using that service on a cordless phone. Cordless phones rely on a base station that is connected to the electrical power supply in your home. When there is a power outage, the base station loses power, and as a result, the cordless phones won’t function.